CIRCLE is an interdisciplinary Centre for Innovation Research spanning several faculties at Lund University.
CIRCLE's aim is to understand and explain how innovation can contribute to a good society and tackle societal challenges like economic crises, climate change or increased globalization of economic activities. This aim requires advanced insights into:
- how knowledge is created and diffused in organizations, networks, regions, countries, and globally
- how knowledge is turned into innovations
- which conditions promote or hinder the creation and diffusion of innovation
- what intended and unintended societal consequences innovation have.
Research at CIRCLE is currently organized in nine interconnected thematic areas grouped in three main areas: (1) Innovation policy and the public sector, (2) Entrepreneurial experimentation, innovation, and organisation and (3) Geographies of innovation and multi-scalar perspectives. Each theme hosts different research projects and most researchers at CIRCLE are involved in several research themes.